Thursday, June 21, 2018, 16:05

 Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you so much for your prayers and patience. I am still on the mend and getting wrestless to move about more freely. You know how humbling it is to have to depend on the help of others? For me, it is a biggie! This independant streak in my nature is not Christ like and that is what I am learning while recupperating. I believe my greatest lessons are learned and victory won during my darkest hours. My waiting hours. Oh, how I want to learn dependance upon God for all of my situations. He is always there for us isn't He? When we cry out for more of God we will go into places yet unexplored. Our relationship is His delight. Being His treasured children we too must desire more of Him, as He does us.

While I have been learning to say, "thank you" for the helpers around me, my family...I am learning the valuable lesson of sitting still. To heal we need to sit before the Lord and allow Him to do His best in us. This is where I am today. As we have been apart I have prayed for you. For your growth in Jesus. For your peace in suffering and for joy regardless of circumstances. I think I say that alot, don't I? It just seems to be the season of my life now. I have been fighting against depression, negative and fearful thoughts since this accident. But, I know Who I have believed in and He is able to keep me. So, as I have been praying for you, although without names or faces, I believe God sees each of you too. He knows your name and where you live. He even knows what trouble you are in whether physically, emotionally or spiritually. Jesus Christ is able to do far more, superabundantly beyond what we are able to express. Let Him love on you today.

Since I have no grand vision or words of wisdom for you, I must allow the Holy Spirit to help me convey what I am personally hanging onto. His Word is always prosperous and life giving. When we take time to seek His face, then, we are equipped to bear much fruit. It may require a faith you haven't had before as you have to be off your feet to heal. It may take faith that requires you to sing when the shadows of impossiblity, like mountains surround you. It may even take the kind of faith that reaches out to others even when it seems there is no help for yourself. I have been challenged to speak kindness, even when I can't seem to express my needs to my family. They are trying and I must carry on with the countenance of gratitude at all times. Without Jesus in front of me I could not see His face. I hope I am helping you to understand.

I was embraced in the Father's love today, when I read the answer to why I am feeling so down. Psalm 42: 5 says it best..."Why are you cast down, O my inner self? And why should you moan over me and be disquieted within me? Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him, my help and my God." Wow, that speaks to my heart. When we focus on our problems, they only loom bigger before us. When we focus on God, then hope takes presidence and totally frames the story of what God is trying to work in us, right now. His Love is the framework. His Word is the picture. Praise the Lord with me!

In the last verse of this chapter, verse 11 it repeats the beginning but adds more..."for I shall yet praise Him, Who is the help of my countenance, and my God." This is good isn't it? We have all the help we need as we wait, sitting, waiting and sitting some more! He is all I need.

Have a blessed day and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. God loves you, Patricia.

Abundance times are in His hands

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