Thursday, January 17, 2019, 19:08

 Good morning dear friends,

With Spring coming I am thinking of a garden. We enlarged the boundaries so we could have a bigger harvest. I am thinking on these good things because the days have been foggy and gray. I even try to wear brighter colors to cheer my soul. The garden of tomorrow gives me hope. This time of year I suppose God gave us, to pause before the labors increase.

Whatever we need, He will provide. Another great promise in His Book. We know His resources are unlimited...but, he won't give us what we don't need. When someone told me this I cringed inside because of course I think I need so much! Not true. And so it comes down to being grateful for the everyday, little conveniences I so often take for granted. They are gifts and God can just as easily take me where comfort is like treking on the desert.

Here is another promise for today found in Philippians 4:19 which says, "And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Wait a minute! Then you might ask, why do I have holes in my socks, have a bare cupboard and empty bank account? Any number of complaints. Why is really up to the One Who knows you and can see to the end of your days. Yesterday our water was off to fix something. Funny how much I thought about water over those hours. When it was back on, you bet I rejoiced!

When was the last time you just thanked Him for the little patch of blue sky? Or that He feeds the birds gathered on the snowy ground? Or the simplicity of a genuine hug from a grandchild? We must remember where our supply comes from. I must remember where my supply comes from.

I read somewhere that, contentment is being satisfied with what God is doing and knowing there is much more, so keep climbing up onto His lap! Content is equal to a container. Christ is All in us. We can be satisfied because we know the source of our help. Jesus in us, filling our cup every day. Giving thanks with a grateful heart is healing the soul, the mind and our emotions become calm.

Yesterday, I needed particular strength and focus. At the end of the day, looking back, I could see He provided just what I needed! I realized this as I was writing my thanks to Father in my journal. We have abiding peace and confidence through the daily grind, don't we?

By taking time in His presence and Word each morning, I am finding a new resolve. My dedication to that time has increased. This isn't to pat me on the back by any means. Obediance to the place God calls me is most important at this particular time. Like being on a diet. Not easy at first to control the flesh, but the results are wonderful! Yes, I am being stretched, reshaped and watered down like a lump of clay in the Potters' hands. Always changing form to become like Him.

When tending a garden, lots of preparation goes into the plan. Same goes true for the garden of my life, if I want to witness a great harvest. Every seed planted from God's Love letter will grow as I invite His Spirit to tend to the details. Here is where I find out what is really important. It seems all the other "needs" just fall to the side.

What will today bring? I don't know. I do know Who is in control. I will trust His judgements, His ways and His Words. He is our Jehovah Jireh! Pray this promise today and believe, (trust in, cling to and rely upon Him). Pray..."Just give me enough to honor You Lord". Pray and pray some more. Get all soaked in the Living water of His Word.

That requires faith! Over and over again we see He Is Faithful, don't we? I pray you find the boundaries of your faith enlarged. That your life garden will flourish and bring glory to God Who supplied the seed. May He bless you today. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Abundance is...His provision

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