Friday, August 18, 2017, 11:17

Good morning friends!

After the difficulties with my blog all things are working again. I am so thankful! Waiting for them to clear up the problem was a bit frustrating though. As you get to know me you will see that waiting is tough sometimes. I want to forge ahead, sometimes at my own hurt. I am learning that it is not worth the consequences!  I trust that Holy Spirit is doing a good work in me...and you.

 Do you remember King David as he hid in a cave with all those displaced guys? rThey were rough and ready to take Saul out so David could take his rightful place as King.  I see I am not the only human on the planet dealing with waiting. We have the words that David wrote; a prayer.  One to teach and guide us and how to apply truth to our personal journey.

He begins with "Unto You, O Lord, do I bring my life..." Psalm 25:1. A great place to start the day! That is where each of us have to come. Our hearts pliable in the hands of the One Who made us. We know that God will not disappoint us, our enemies will not get the victory. As we look to Him and trust and wait patiently for Him we are assured, aren't we? Verse 4 says, "Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths."  That is a plea for direction. Where do you turn for direction today? Are you assuming you have it all under control? Well, without Him we can do nothing. I am kept in a position of needing Him. Good. The rememdy may look like what I need is healing or financial provision but, a need is a need and He does see. Could be that what I need is to focus on Him and wait for His answer. Father knows best!

Verse 5 says, "Guide me in Your truth and faithfulness and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You [You only and altogether] do I wait [expectantly] all the day long."  Or, in most cases, longer. We only have one day at a time. Why not ask Him what is next in This day? Remember one step at a time?

I am thankful for Father's gift through Jesus Christ and the seal of Holy Spirit on my life. Are you? The Gospel is one of peace to those who are called according to His love. Waiting? In this case...don't wait! Take your heart and all it's burdens to Jesus right now and find that truth that He will not disappoint you! His love never fails! Read the whole 25th chapter and let the Word of God enrich you with understanding and power.

Certain words were highlighted for me today. The Lord's mercy and steadfast love, His goodness (v.7). He instructs us in the way (v.8). He leads the humble and teaches (v.9). His paths are mercy and truth and faithfulness for those who keep His commandments (v.10). He pardons my iniquity and guilt (v.11). Reverently fear and worship the Lord (v.12). And, the list goes on! Take time to notice and appreciate the words of King David. Making his prayer your prayer...while you wait.

The more time I spend in God's Holy book the fastest time seems to fly! For instance, I nearly burned the bread in the oven by not hearing the timer! My laundry is sitting in the dryer, probably wrinkly by now! For now, I really think this is more important. This goes to say for my times of waiting too. Priorities are something that I am learning on this journey.

I hope that Father God reveals His love to you in a special way. That, Holy Spirit will show you areas that maybe, you need to be more teachable in. The empowering of Jesus Christ will enrobe you as you take the time to seek His face. Fear  and worship the Lord. Trust Him will all of your heart's concerns. Will you? I say, "Yes Lord".

Abundance is...happening while I wait!

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