Friday, June 22, 2018, 12:29

Dear family of God,

Good morning! God bless you today as you wait or walk. He has His hands around you. His love supports you. He loves you so much. When I woke this morning I had a song on my mind. 'Wait, wait, wait on the Lord. We must wait, wait, wait on the Lord and learn our lessons well. In His timing He will tell us what to do, where to go, what to say.' I think that is how it goes. Well, I figure this is the direction Holy Spirit is leading me today, how about you?

There are many references to waiting in the scriptures. Think about Abraham and Sarah. Joseph. Jacob and Rachel. David. Job. So many examples of people who had to wait for something. Whether a promise from God or the right time to claim a position. Waiting never comes easily for our flesh. What kind of waiting do you find yourself in? For me, as you know, waiting for the healing of my knee so I can walk. You know, I have never wanted to take a walk more than this last week! Funny how that works when told I can't is when I want. Nothing compared to the situation you are in, right?

Waiting for the Lord to bless you with someone to love and who will love you back...till death do us part. Or, waiting to hear from a child who has gone away and you don't know where they are? Or maybe, time when you can retire from that job of drudgery. I think about those couples waiting for an adoption to go through. Finality, in any form when you are waiting comes as a relief in most cases. But, today I want to share some good news about our waiting on the Lord.

The first scripture that comes to my mind is from Isaiah 40:31..."But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired." Wow! Isn't this awesome? Could it be that this very word is what your soul needs to hear today? Power, strength, and not faint or tired. That is what I long for today.

You know how a soldier waits in the fox hole? It may not be comfortable, but he waits for the commanders orders to get out of there. Many of your circumstances require you to wait uncomfortably, lacking in strength and longing to escape your trial. God says to wait on Him. He knows the trouble you are in and has the perfect time for you to be released from your darkness, your prison, your heartache. Father knows best! Only in the Lord God will we find all we need. Do you see it? Read this scripture over and over until it gets right down to where you are living. You will come through a victor with more compassion for your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I am counting on it!

I would love to spend more time here but, my body won't allow it. So, I again leave you with the promise that God sees you and desires to have an intimate ongoing relationship with you, no matter if the storm rages or the sun shines. We must learn our lessons well. I entrust each of you into His loving care, knowing my Jesus, is faithful and true. We serve a Mighty God! The Lord bless you and keep you and may you have wings to take flight as the eagles very soon. Love in Christ, Patricia.

Abundance is...prayer changes things

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